launch party flyer

Welcome to Heart.Travel's recap of our launch party and singles' mixer.

What a night! What a beautiful venue! What great music, atmosphere, and guests! July 13, 2024, Ithaca, NY, The Cherry Arts Gallery.

We said it would be a night to remember and the night held up to that claim. Meeting people can be scary, but our singles took the leap of faith to join us for our debut into the world. We shared our hopes and plans for the future and invited everyone to share in our vision, trust us with our upcoming events, and open their hearts to the opportunity to invite love in.

Courage is needed when attending singles events. We know this very well. The ambiance of our singles' mixer and launch party was warm and inviting. A well-decorated space that felt cozy and elegant at the same time. DJ Brian E played danceable beats that were sometimes reminiscent of good days passed and current bops. Erika with a K spoke her poetry in beautiful, lyrical rhythms that left everyone thirsty for more.

Hosts Shelline and Jenny spoke to every guest, making them feel appreciated for attending and understanding what they were looking for.

From the mini-speed dates to raffles and giveaways, snacks, and dancing, the guests had a wonderful time. Check out our Instagram page for more photos.

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