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Vacations & Events for Singles Helping Everyone Attract Romance Through Travel

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We understand. Read through some of the most common questions we have listed below. If you still have questions, Contact Us.

Am I guaranteed to find love on your vacations?

In love, there are never any guarantees. Finding love happens when it is meant to, but we are bringing like-minded individuals together who also want to find love. So, be open to the potential, and it could happen. Best of luck.

What is your refund policy?

We do not accept refunds. Please purchase travel insurance in case of any unexpected or unforeseen cancellations.

Help! I booked the wrong vacation!

Wow! This is indeed unfortunate, please contact us, and we can discuss applying your purchase to another.

Do I have to be single to book a trip?

We offer speed dating and bond-building activities amongst our travelers, so it is ideal for you to be single and looking for a partner.

I just want to travel and make friends, do I have to participate in the speed dating?

It is not our mission to force anyone to participate in speed dating activities. If you do not want to participate, feel free to sit it out.

I am not single, but I am the wingperson of my friend, can I still go?

Of course, you can, but please refrain from participating the speed dating activities, as it would be a conflict for those actively seeking a partner.

What if there aren't enough singles for speed dating?

This is an unfortunate reality sometimes. We do our best to promote each vacation so there will be enough singles for the speed dating event. However, if not enough vacationers register for the event, we will cancel the speed date and provide another event planned in its place.

What is the minimum age range to attend a vacation?

The age ranges are listed for each vacation. However, the "ALL AGES" vacations/events have a minimum age of 21 years.

Where can I find the Speed Dating Event Rules?

Our Speed Dating Event Rules can be found here.

Are there any consents or releases I should be aware of?

Yes! Please be advised that photographs may be taken at any event or vacation for use on Heart.Travel's website and in the press, Heart.Travel marketing materials, and all other publications. By entering our events or attending our vacations, you consent to Heart.Travel photography and using your image and likeness.

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