Summer Love

Some time ago, my wife Shelline and I went on vacation. It was amazing, pure magic. We made friends, danced the night away, and had drinks on the beach. Dressing up for fancy dinners, and themed parties was par the course at this romantic getaway. Paradise was our destination and we soaked up every sun-filled minute of it.

Returning to our lives, we felt invigorated and inspired. I couldn’t wait to tell my family and friends tales of the people we had met, the food we had tried, and the experiences that brought us great memories.

I regaled my mother with stories of our adventure and her response lit the initial spark.

“Oh that’s so nice, I want to go on vacation with my person. I want to make friends, but it’s so hard making friends as an adult.”

Thinking about this dilemma, I pondered, “How can I make this a reality for my mother?” who like many other people probably felt the same way. And with that, I was off to make it a reality. Bringing singles together in fun and exciting ways.

Dating apps can be so daunting. You never know who is telling the truth, who has a photo of themselves from years ago, who isn’t hiding personality traits only to surprise you at the date. Going on dates with strangers is a gamble. Putting yourself out there and summarizing yourself into a set amount of characters in hopes other people will read it can be frustrating. It’s like sales, you make your pitch and hope the right person will come along, read your bio, and like your photo enough to engage with you.

At Heart.Travel, we are focused on bringing meeting in-person back into style. Let’s meet in person and let the initial spark come back. Don’t hide behind your computer screen any longer. Come, join us. Meet and fall in love the new old-fashioned way.

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