two persons on hill

Meeting someone you like while on vacation can be scary, but it doesn't have to be. You never know when or where you will meet the next person you will fall in love with. Vacation locations can be just as good a place as any other to meet the person of your dreams. While you are on vacation, chances are you will feel more relaxed and therefore more open to possibilities.

If you happen to meet someone you fancy while on vacation and the feelings are mutual, be sure to keep in contact. Once you are officially in a relationship together, having open lines of communication is key. Being comfortable with the fact that you will likely not see one another every week or weekend is vital.

But it can be done. Love always finds a way. In the meantime, try these helpful tips on keeping your new relationship flowing:

  • Video chat at least 3 times a week

  • Communicate in some way with your partner daily

  • Trust your partner

  • Occasionally do little things to make your partner feel special since you will not be together often

  • Plan things to do for when you and your partner are together

  • Ensure the time you spend with your partner is quality time

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